(Part 4) The True Darkness Of Atheism/Agnosticism

Behind atheism
Dark forces are what’s behind Atheism and what it makes you become

Atheism is so dark that it transforms and changes an individual to become vile (morally wicked). Lately, I have come across two characters again and again in WordPress named Neil and John Arthur. Neil apostatized and became an Atheist. He claims that God doesn’t exist and the historical Jesus is a myth but he has dedicated part of his life to attack the person of Jesus Christ that he believes is an imagination. Folks, why would any “rational” person hate or put so much energy into attacking a person that they believe does not exist?

Because behind this thinking is Satan that is using them to destroy peoples’ faith in God. Neil the Atheist has a blog strictly dedicated to attacking Jesus. Now I ask you, have you ever seen anywhere and at any time such effort that a person has taken to make it their mission to malign fictitious characters like Santa Claus, Zeus, the gods of the Egyptians etc.? No. People only attack what is real and even though they profess that they are not, their actions speak louder than their words which makes them a liar and deceived.

Neil claims that Jesus the man and Christ are two different personages. That alone shows his lack of knowing Scripture because he is devoid of any truth. Jesus means Savior and Christ the chosen or anointed which that’s what the Savior is. Jesus was both man and God. If the secular sources prove that Jesus of Scripture existed what makes you think that His miracles which pointed to His divine nature didn’t happen? His disciples died for Him because they claimed that they saw Him after He resurrected. Not only them but 500 witnesses of their contemporaries who also were killed for their faith in Christ who they saw the risen Lord and witnessed His ascension into heaven. After they witnessed the resurrected Jesus they went out and proclaimed what they saw and paid for it with their lives. 

No one will die for a lie that they made up, maybe someone that went insane if that but not more than 500 people, impossible.

I will show you a YouTube clip for those Atheists who do not believe in the historical Jesus from a man who also apostatized named Bart Ehrman who is a secular scholar and an Athiest who like Neil attacks Jesus but what is interesting while giving a lecture a person from the audience asked him a question or more like a comment that there is no historical evidence for Jesus Christ. Bart Ehrman calls all Atheists who believe this lie foolish. Watch below.

The other Athiest or Agnostic named John Arthur, who can’t decide what he wants to be said these quotes to me:

“There have been hundreds of supposed gods, most of them pretty violent. Yaweh is one of the most violent gods. Such a violent god is a figment of your imagination. You want people to be caught up in your Fundamentalist cult and imprisoned in their misery.”

“Did you know that God commanded rape, murder, slavery, barbarism? Read your ‘bloody’ book. It’s so full of violence.”

“Your Fundamentalist cult is very dangerous. Your Jihadi Jesus has rivers of blood flowing during some imaginary Great Tribulation. This “bloody ” book that you believe in is disastrous for the welfare of humanity. A violent god creates a violent people.”

“Your adherence to a false cult has you in the grip of demonamia. Perhaps, you need to visit a psychiatrist to have your mental health assessed.”

“You are a leader of a false cult. Atheism would liberate you from this cult called Fundamentalism. You are seriously deluded. If you don’t repent of your delusion you will continue to place yourself in misery and all those who follow your false cult.”

“How can atheists conspire against a non existent being? You suffer from the “God Delusion”. The bible is a book written by ancient savages, not by rational people. There is no evidence for angels, demons, a ghost impregnating a virgin, or a guy levitating into the sky. It’s all made up by ignorant people.”

Now you see the hatred that is not towards me but towards the God of the Bible. Atheism, Agnosticism and others alike exhibit pure hatred, with unspeakable words towards the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, why? The Holy Scripture will shed some light on why Atheists and other groups similar to theirs have such hatred for Christ.

Revelation 13:5-6

5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 6 It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.

The Greek word for blasphemies is blasphémeó which means I speak evil against, blaspheme, use abusive or scurrilous language about (God or men).

ScurrilousOf language coarse, vulgar, abusive, or slanderous; of a person given to vulgar verbal abuse; foul-mouthed

That is a picture of what an Atheist lives for to blaspheme God who are being used by demonic spirits because those evil spirits hate God with a passion.

God’s Word reveals what’s in an Atheist heart:

Psalms 14:1

The fool says in his heart, “God does not exist.” They are corrupt; they do vile deeds. There is no one who does good.

Psalms 53:1

Fools say to themselves, “There is no God.” They sin and commit evil deeds; none of them does what is right.

They live according to their sinful nature without any restraint and they love it. They love immorality rather than uprightness. 

God’s Word warns us about demonic groups like theirs:

Colossians 2:8

8 Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world, and not based on Christ.

The reason that Atheism doesn’t want to believe in God is that they have rejected the truth and chosen to live and bask in their sin so God gave them over to their decision as stated in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 which says, 10 and with every unrighteous deception among those who are perishing. They perish because they did not accept the love of the truth in order to be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe what is false, 12 so that all will be condemned—those who did not believe the truth but enjoyed unrighteousness.

That’s the only reason why a person is an Atheist, not because there is lack of evidence for God’s existence like the creation of space, planets, humans, animals and sea creature with its complexity testifies of a creator but they forfeit all the evidence for their sinful pleasures so they won’t feel guilty after doing them.

Romans 1:19-20

19 since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse.

Psalms 19:1-4

1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands.
2 Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge.
3 There is no speech; there are no words; their voice is not heard.
4 Their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens He has pitched a tent for the sun.

80 thoughts on “(Part 4) The True Darkness Of Atheism/Agnosticism

  1. I read the comments between you and the other 2 atheist commenters and was confused by what was going on. I know from what I’ve read that they continue to state that monkeys are our “distant cousins” through DNA and while yes, we humans came from the dust of the ground, what about the monkeys?

    In Genesis, it says that God created each of the sea, land, and air animals by speaking to the element itself (water, land, sky). So what I would like to know if you could clarify for me, is how are do monkeys and humans have the “DNA” of being brought from the dust of the ground?


  2. My point was that DNA is similar from all creatures because we were all created from the same dust of the earth but that doesn’t make humans animalistic. Basically, Atheists believe that since the DNA is very similar to that of humans, that it makes us par to animals.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. SpaniardVIII, to God be the glory, you handled those two Atheists quite well.

    Whenever I see Atheists speaking out so passionately against a Being, that they claim doesn’t exist, I’m always curious about what previous or current life experience they’ve had that opens the door for Satan to deceive them so badly. Have they been hurt by a false religious person? Did they previously attempt to believe in God, but lost faith as a result of a seemingly unanswered prayer? Have they always been financially secure, with all their faith placed in their bank account? Or perhaps, its just a matter of them resenting the fact that they will be held accountable by God for the sinful things they do?

    I will add these two Atheists to my prayer list. My prayer is that, at some point they will encounter something in life that will cause them to evaluate their current rebellious ways; And call out to Jesus for forgiveness of their sins and accept Him as their Savior.

    Keep standing for the truth of God’s Word, my brother.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hey Marques, thanks for your comment and encouragement. I totally agree with you that they went through something in life that cause them to lose faith in God’s existence. I appreciate you praying for these guys which I have prayed for them. May the Lord bless you Marques and may He continue to give you and me the strength to continue in the Word without wavering.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Marques, it just dawned on me that God answered my prayer or worry by your comment. I felt like I wasn’t adequate enough with my responses to the Atheists.

    I believe that the Lord spoke through this comment of yours “SpaniardVIII, to God be the glory, you handled those two Atheists quite well.”

    It just hit me. Just to let you know my brother that Jesus used you to answer me.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Honestly, I was reading through the latest posts from other writers, and God impressed upon me to visit your site and see if you’d received any comments from this post. As I read through your dialogue with those two gentlemen, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to post those comments.

    God knew that you needed some words of encouragement, after you courageously stood for the faith.

    I had to contend with a few Atheists, on a Youtube section, a few years ago. They can be very relentless in their attacks. As intellectual as many of them try to present themselves, It’s just a mask for the inner turmoil that’s going on within them. The Jesus that they are resisting, is the One person that can give them the genuine love and peace that every person desires.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Wow, it’s awesome when God uses you to encourage someone else? I appreciate you listening to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. I personally believe that their rejection of God’s existence has nothing to do with not having the evidence but that they would have to give up something that they don’t want to.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I agree. Sometimes the person they are rejecting may be the One person who can give them the peace they need.

    I liked when you said, “As intellectual as many of them try to present themselves, It’s just a mask for the inner turmoil that’s going on within them. The Jesus that they are resisting is the One person that can give them the genuine love and peace that every person desires.”

    Liked by 2 people

  9. That’s what I suspect in the case of these two, also. Pride is what got Satan exiled from Heaven, and it is his favorite tactic to keep people from going there.

    As Romans 1 puts it, all of the creations upon the earth and throughout the universe is evidence of God’s existence.

    I am grateful everyday that I had people in my life, who loved me enough to share the Gospel with me: And that I responded to the invitation.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. That’s quite the question. There are several beliefs regarding how the universe (as we know it) came into existence. The most common are the creationist belief and the big bang theory. As for the “big bang” or whatever created our universe, I don’t believe there was never “nothing”, our universe could have been the result of an off-shoot or destruction of another universe.

    We will likely never have enough knowledge to know exactly how the universe came to be but until then, the religious will claim a god and the non-religious will claim a “big bang”. I’m okay with not knowing.


  11. In ScienceDaily it says that “Laws of physics vary throughout the universe, new study suggests”

    Who put those laws in the universe? How can the universe run according to laws without someone putting it there?


  12. Regardless if the laws of physics varied or remained the same throughout the universe, your answer to who put those laws would remain the same.

    The laws of Physics were established through experimentation and observation but I’m sure you are trying to claim an intelligent designer of sorts. You see, if science said the Laws of Physics remained the same throughout the universe you would point to your intelligent designer, if they varied, you would still claim an intelligent designer.

    My point “the religious will claim a god and the non-religious will claim a big bang”, same dilemma, different topic.


  13. The Christians claim that God created the universe because there’s a universe. The atheists, in general, say nothing created a complex universe of laws that are in place to govern. I say prove to me that nothing can create matter, space, time with laws and design while the evidence for God is that there is a complex universe of laws and complexity.


  14. I see you have yet to post my response to the “other so-called universe”, regardless. I think you have been missing my point. Of course the Christian will claim a god and some atheists will point to science and knowledge. An atheist is not going to take something unknown and assign a god to it but that appears to be the theists answer to everything.
    I’m not sure why you are asking me to prove to you that “nothing can create matter, space, time”…etc. I don’t think you are asking to attain knowledge but rather are attempting to point out your belief that it was intelligently designed. (Duly noted this is your belief) If you truly wanted to find out about the scientific theory of the universe, you would research it on your own.
    To answer your question, I have already stated that I didn’t believe there was “nothing”, that takes care of matter and space. Time and laws are based on the observation by man. I suppose a theist could argue that a god gave us the brains/knowledge to figure this out but the atheist could simply scoff at this and point out that the theist still has not proved a god.


  15. Alright, look, you and I have made up our minds in the direction we want to go. I chose Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and you chose whatever you chose which I have no idea but whatever the case may be, the truth for me is found in Holy Scripture and my faith is as solid as a rock. I respect your decision. I will not force Jesus to you but will keep you in my prayers. I appreciate your comments and for stopping by David.


  16. Thank you. Prayer, Blessings… we can always use a kind word in our travels. I don’t necessarily adhere to any one concept or belief but I do believe that everyone should be peaceful to those of differing beliefs and worldviews.

    Thanks and Happy New Year!


  17. Hey David, thanks for giving me your time but God is not a theory according to the evidence that’s in our face. I do hope that you come to realize that Jesus is the answer.


Any thoughts?