UnBiblical Interpretation Can Cause Havoc To Your Faith

out of context
That is how Satan and the world interprets Scripture


Matthew 4:5-7

5 Then the Devil took Him to the holy city, had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: He will give His angels orders concerning you, and they will support you with their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” 7 Jesus told him, “It is also written: Do not test the Lord your God.”

The Devil attempts to blindside Christians by making them believe an incorrect interpretation of Scripture. Once you believe a topic of Scripture wrongly, you will base your spiritual life on that interpretation which in reality is killing your faith. The best way to combat this demonic strategy is to make a habit of reading the whole Bible at least once a year and incorporate topical studies with deep prayer, asking the Lord for understanding.

Your best defense against this deception is to know the Scriptures very well so that you cannot be sideswiped. The way Jesus used the Scriptures in Matthew 4 is a model for us today. When you read some material like Calvinism, Arminianism, or anything with an ism in it, make sure that it does not contradict another verse that’s connected to that theme. If it does contradict, then reject that interpretation.

Another misinterpretation in the Bible or that gets overlooked is found in Hebrews 10:25 which says, 25 not staying away from our worship meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

I have come across believers who say or teach that you shouldn’t go to church. They actually call it an institution, mirroring the world which is against God’s house. They claim that all the churches are teaching error and cannot be trusted. Folks, this is the very definition of being spiritually quarantined. For further study on this, click on Demons Strategy: Quarantine

Those who believe in that think that keeping themselves from “ingesting” the purported error, have themselves swallowed Satan’s pill that attacks the part of the brain where faith in Christ is located. 

They have a big dilemma because if they paint with a broad brush all churches for coming into contact with some bad ones, they actually become that which they despise, a false teacher. Scripture commands us to go to church, so if that person says not to go, they are disobeying God’s Word. If on the other hand, they say that God told them not to go to church then they are making God contradict Himself. Whichever way you look at it, they are in error and if they preach that interpretation, they become false teachers. If you have come across someone like this, beware.

All false religion like the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Catholicism to name a few preach false doctrine, why? Because they have misinterpreted the Bible to say what they want to hear. That interpretation comes from none other than Satan and his fallen angels. 

Misinterpretation can severely damage one’s faith and steer one who is close to salvation away from a saving faith. Be careful.



13 thoughts on “UnBiblical Interpretation Can Cause Havoc To Your Faith

  1. This “stay away from church they’re full of deceivers and hypocrites” mentality is plaguing the body of Christ. It is one and the same with the “everything is wrong with organized religion” drivel that you hear mostly from unbelievers and it’s alarming to hear it from someone who claims to be Born again as they unknowingly go against Scripture. Its intent is to rob people from fellowship with other believers in order to grow strong (stronger in number).

    “Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” John 14:23

    Discouraging people to attend and doubt church is far from keeping His Word. I can understand one can get lazy to go to church but to rationalize and paint everyone as deceived therefore avoid going to church is one thing altogether. Talk about self-deception.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Wasn’t sure if you got this so I’m doing it again. I like when you said, “Once you believe a topic of Scripture wrongly, you will base your spiritual life on that interpretation which in reality is killing your faith. The best way to combat this demonic strategy is to make a habit of reading the whole Bible at least once a year and incorporate topical studies with deep prayer, asking the Lord for understanding.”

    I agree with you because if we start basing our faith on the misinterpreted view of the Bible, we will start to stumble ourselves; however, that is why it is important for us as Christians to read God’s Word daily in order to give us sustenance and a weapon against false doctrine. When we start taking portions of Scripture and using it too further our own agenda (i.e. the prosperity gospel) we are becoming the very opposite of who Christ has called us to be and even Jesus warned against being a stumbling block for believers.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Great comment. The worse part is that they might be sincere but non the less sincerely wrong. Deception is very strong and if we are not careful it can cause great damage to our faith. It masks itself as truth, almost to the point where you can’t hardly distinguish it from the truth. The only way to detect it if we have the right spiritual glasses on or else we won’t know the difference.


  4. Excellent comment Joshua, I like what you said here “When we start taking portions of Scripture and using it too further our own agenda (i.e. the prosperity gospel) we are becoming the very opposite of who Christ has called us to be and even Jesus warned against being a stumbling block for believers.”

    That is so very true because we start to teach other people what we think is what the Bible is saying not knowing that we are helping to deceive that individual further.


  5. You call some false religions like the Mormons and Catholics and mention the Jehovah’s Witnesses too though they are much closer to the truth than many man in churches (like lots of protestant churches which also follow the false human doctrines of the Trinity)
    You say the “desire of my heart is to reveal Satan’s tactics and how one can overcome his schemes”. As such we would love to see you unmasking the tactics of those who are against God (the adversaries of God). Those who follow the teaching of the Trinity are people against the One True God, the God of Jesus and his disciples, Who is the God of Abraham. looking at some other articles at your site and seeing that you believe in the Trinity too, it seems you are also caught by the false tricks of Satan and could not cut yourself loose form those strings of the world, having caught you in the false human doctrines instead of keeping yourself to Biblical Truth.
    As God’s Warrior says “The best way to combat this demonic strategy is to make a habit of reading the whole Bible at least once a year and incorporate topical studies with deep prayer, asking the Lord for understanding.” though he like you and others seem not having been able to distantiate yourself from the human doctrines and as such kept blinded by the false doctrine of the Trinity. To come to the full truth we advice you and your readers to go through the Bible and take the words like they are written; When there is written “the son of God” not reading and/or thinking “god the son” but truly believing it is about “the son of God.”


  6. I have read the whole Bible through prayer and the Father is called God, the Son (Jesus) is called God and the Holy Spirit is called God. I did not learn the trinity through my church or other sources. I learned the trinity by reading the Bible. Of course you think that the Jehovah Witnesses are closer to the truth which you call truth but in reality is false. I understand that no one likes to be told that they have dedicated their lives to a lie. But, the Bible clearly talk about a false Jesus and a false Gospel. The only way to know the truth is by reading the whole Bible with no preconceived notion. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving me a comment.


  7. There is only one holy Catholic and
    Apostolic church founded by the first pope, Peter.
    You speak lies against the mother church. Long live the Catholic church.


  8. You’re talking madness. You are not even Catholic. You are an atheist who is blind and require a lot of prayers, especially, since you live in Australia. Your liberal leaders are making your country into a police state. Basically, the people there live in a big prison. That’s what happens when leaders are godless, as you are.


Any thoughts?