Why Is President Trump Despised By the Media & Hollywood

The White House to the left is what Satan wants and the White House to the right is what he abhors.

Isaiah 14:27

For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?

We see in today’s news like ABC, NBC, CNN and etc., a proliferation of sexual misconduct being exposed and also amongst actors, actresses, and the media like the ones I mentioned. Why? Because they are trying to thwart God’s plan so it has recoiled back on them and all their sins are now being exposed like Psalms 9:15 declares, The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. And also in Proverbs 11:5 which says, The righteousness of the blameless makes their paths straight, but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness.

I’m not saying that the President is a Christian but it is very obvious that God is using him for His will. I mean look at King Cyrus who the Lord used to help His people rebuild the temple by a king that worshipped other gods but who respected the God of the Jews. The LORD put it into his heart to bless the Israelites financially and with protection. That is a picture of President Trump who is being used by Jesus Christ to stop or reverse all the damage caused by Obama and his administration. Examples of the amplification of wickedness that occurred during his administration is as follows:

1. Abortion
2. Homosexuality
3. Anti-Christian
4. Pro Muslims only and the defense of their acts of terror here and around the world
5. Giving aid to the enemies of Israel
6. Anti-Israel
7. Anti-God, leaving out the word “Creator” in his (Obama) speech when citing the Declaration of Independence
8. God (according to the Bible) no longer allowed in public schools
9. Including Islam (with a false god) in the public schools

I can go on and on but you get the picture. The LORD God Almighty had mercy on the United States of America by putting Mr. Trump in power and not Hillary or else America’s sins would have become bigger than the highest mountain with no remedy.

All the liberals who think they can go against God’s will and believe they can win are delusional. Now you know why all those famous people who named Trump as the “Groper in Chief” are having their sins exposed.

There is a spiritual warfare going on for the souls of Americans. Satan desires to have his liberals at the helm in Washington D.C. because he can have them direct the United States away from the truth and into the lie.

7 thoughts on “Why Is President Trump Despised By the Media & Hollywood

  1. Such a great post, SpaniardVIII. Psalms 9:15 says it best, ” The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden.” The wicked have tried to hide their schemed from God, but God knows the hearts and the wicked and their own traps turned against them.

    However, you are right about President Trump being similar to King Cyrus because I had the same thought. Although, I will admit, during the presidential race, I couldn’t see him becoming president but I think that was because of my own dislike for the rhetoric he used during the race.

    I liked when you said, “That is a picture of President Trump who is being used by Jesus Christ to stop or reverse all the damaged caused by Obama and his administration.”

    I am confused when you said, “The LORD God Almighty had mercy on the United States of America by putting Mr. Trump in power and not Hillary or else America’s sins would have become bigger than the highest mountain with no remedy.” Could you explain this?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s way past Halloween (I don’t celebrate it but even a lot of professing Christians do) and still, skeletons keep coming out of the closet. Anyway, it is interesting that all lewdness is actually being dealt with during this administration.

    This kind of reckoning is long overdue especially for those who make the laws(!) with the feigned moral outrage from the left exposed. As for Hollywood, not like most of us don’t know that those people don’t give something in exchange to get where they are.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “it is interesting that all lewdness is actually being dealt with during this administration.”

    Your statement is so true and like scriptures says that everything done in secret will be exposed.

    Yeah, everybody knows about Hollywood but even it is being exposed as well. That’s good that those who the world deemed as an idol looks more like a dirty one to me.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am confused when you said, “The LORD God Almighty had mercy on the United States of America by putting Mr. Trump in power and not Hillary or else America’s sins would have become bigger than the highest mountain with no remedy.” Could you explain this?

    Yes of course. What I meant was that the Obama’s presidency was destroying the Judeo-Christian influence by kicking out of the public schools the Ten Commandments and prayer. Helping the homosexual community thrive as well as abortions. If Hillary Clinton would have won then it would have been like if Obama had won because both of them hold the same view. He was making the USA worse spiritually speaking and also financially. By the way, Obama was against Israel and Christian just like Hillary. Trump is for Christians and Israel.


  5. But, how could Trump be for Christians and Israel but try and get rid of Muslims in the U.S. ?

    I know Christianity and Islam are two different religions, but that shouldn’t be right.


  6. We know that not all Muslims as the same. You have liberal Muslims who don’t take the Qur’an serious and you have those that do. Which by the way are the true Muslim (those who take the Qur’an seriously). I say this because I have read some of the Qur’an and it commands Muslims to kill those who aren’t. President Trump is trying to make America safe by stopping Muslims in countries known for terrorist acts even if the good Muslims get into the mix with the bad. Because if a really bad one gets in, many people will pay with their lives. Look at Europe how bad it is by allowing a lot of Muslims to enter. How many people died in France, England, and America from not Christian or any other group but from Muslims? I can tell you a lot, in the hundreds.
    Let me illustrate it to you in this manner. You have a family and two people need shelter and they have come to you for help. But they belong to a cult or a religion that teachings violence to those like you. But not all do it. The question then becomes, are you willing to take a chance and have both of them enter your home with your wife and kids? Not knowing what can happen, would you do it?

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hello there.

    “I know Christianity and Islam are two different religions, but that shouldn’t be right.”

    If you believe John 14:6 wholeheartedly, you would know that Islam offers another way to God since it denies the deity of Jesus Christ. It is not about Christianity here but the protection of ANY infidel which would include every single person who is not a Muslim.

    There is this thing called Sharia Law that Quran abiding Muslims will demand when they reach a certain point of percentage in their host country. Please try to visit the link below. There’s this woman who escaped Islam and live to tell the truth that is widely being suppressed and sugarcoated.


    Liked by 2 people

Any thoughts?