(Part 9) The True Darkness Of Atheism

An atheist choosing to live for sin rather than for righteousness and becomes a fool

Mr. Bruce Gerencser in the past has blogged against my preaching about Jesus Christ. And lately has felt threatened again, so he has felt the push [through the devil] to attack me and another brother in Christ named Victor who has a blog called: Victors’ Corner.

I welcome his attacks because it shows that I’m making a dent in the kingdom of darkness. Through that poor soul, you can see the devil’s manifestation.

Bruce Gerencser the apostate turned atheist said:

“Atheists, in particular, aren’t shy about telling Victor and other zealots like him that their beliefs are rooted in fantasy; that the Jesus they love, adore, and worship, lies dead somewhere on a Judean hillside; that the only thing awaiting Christians after death is darkness, silence, and decay. Is it no wonder, then, that the Victors of the world view atheists the way they do?”

What this man said truly exemplifies what a fool is.

Insight: A Fool

Someone who is senseless without any discernment when it comes to spiritual matters and morality. One who knows or has been exposed to the truth but still rejects it. 

All he does in his blog is a rant against Jesus and His followers even though he wanted nothing to do with Jesus. Why does he continue to attack Jesus who he doesn’t believe in? Because his life is dedicated to doing the devil’s work. He is so blind that for not wanting anything to do with Jesus, Satan has manipulated this poor angry man to create a blog solely for [slandering] Jesus.

He claims to have a great and full life without Jesus, but why is he so bitter?

By devoting his life to attack Jesus shows that he is hurting really bad inside and is trying to take it out on God and those who follow Him.

Now you see what type of life an atheist lives. One of hatred, confusion, cursing, blaspheming, lying, and emptiness. They don’t “believe” in sin so they can enjoy being evil and vile. How dark your heart has to be to love sin so much that you have to convince yourself that there is no such thing as sin and yet, they acknowledge that lying and stealing is wrong. But, if they don’t get caught, for them it is okay.

Psalms 53:1

The fool says in his heart, “God does not exist.”
They are corrupt, and they do vile deeds.
There is no one who does good.”

That is what happens when you trade the Living God, Jesus Christ for the pleasures of this life, it destroys you and those around you.

2 Peter 2:21

“For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy command delivered to them.”

Hebrews 10:29

“How much worse punishment do you think one will deserve who has trampled on the Son of God, regarded as profane the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and insulted the Spirit of grace?”

Pray for Bruce and his family that they may repent for rejecting Christ. Also, pray for their health and well-being. 

My friends, do not believe in the lie of atheism. There is a God who is holy and righteous. Jesus said that the only way to the Father is through Him [John 14:6]

The sun, moon, and the stars, all point to God’s existence. And God has revealed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus loves you very much and wants to forgive you of all your sins. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus died for your sins and on the third day rose from the grave, seated at the right hand of Almighty God. If you truly believe this and ask Jesus to save you, He will.

What Are Destructive Heresies?

Destructive Heresies
The enemy is looking for a way to get in to destroy your faith in Jesus Christ. Stay alert!

2 Peter 2:1

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, and will bring swift destruction on themselves.

Destructive (684) Heresies (139)

  • Destructive-To be doomed, fully destroyed, and to be broken into pieces.
  • Heresies-Belonging to a party or a sect. A school of teachings and principles that a person will live by.

-Destructive heresies- Simply mean to choose to follow different teachings that deny the fundamental doctrines of who Jesus claimed to be and what He has done.  

Heresies would include but not limited to:

  • The Word of God has mistakes
  • Jesus was created
  • Jesus didn’t rise from the grave
  • Jesus is not the Son of God
  • Jesus is not God
  • The Holy Spirit is not a person, but a force of some type
  • Jesus didn’t die on the cross
  • Salvation could be obtained by other means
  • Jesus was not born from a virgin
  • A rejection of the Trinity-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit being Yahweh
  • Spiritualizing the Book of Revelation and the second coming of Jesus Christ

Adopting any of the heresies mentioned above would make a person apostatize-falling away from sound doctrine which will pave one’s road to hell.

Insight: Sound Doctrine

The word “sound” in 2 Timothy 4:3 means to be in good health. Believing in sound teaching brings health to a person’s soul

All of the different types of heresies have one source as revealed in 1 Timothy 4:1Now the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will depart from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons

In 1 Timothy 4:1 & 2 Thessalonians 2:3 prophesy that right before the coming of Jesus, there will be a huge departure from the Truth. Countless of those who profess faith in Jesus [false converts], will abandon the teachings of the Bible in favor of an alternative interpretation of the basics understanding of the person of Jesus Christ, sin, and salvation. All will be reinterpreted to say and mean something else. 

I believe that we are living in the beginning stages of the great apostasy. For this to occur, the belief in the inerrancy of Scripture HAS to be attacked and dismantle in mainstream Christianity. At the present time, many Christians are abandoning their faith in the Word of God as inerrant. That will have a devastating outcome on their faith in Jesus. 

Those who no longer hold to the inerrancy of Scripture have adopted strange beliefs not found in the Bible and some wonder how can a Christian believe that? We now know why.

Once you doubt the Truth, the Full Armor of God has been stripped from you. Defenseless and vulnerable, you have put yourself in great danger. The enemy seeing you in that state will come fully loaded with all types of deception to destroy your faith in the Truth with one blow. 

Believe what Jesus said:

Matthew 24:35

“35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.”

Jesus has the power to make sure His Word stays intact to reach the last living soul. 

John 20:31

“31 But these are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in His name.”

Jesus wanted His Word to be written and preserved for the salvation of those who read it or else how can a person get saved without the Word of God?

Romans 10:17

“17 So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Christ.”


Jesus made sure that His Apostles would write down everything He had taught them while He was with them on earth.

John 14:26

“26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit—the Father will send Him in My name—will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.”

Dear friends, trust in the Bible that you hold in your hands and don’t believe the lies of the devil when he tells you that you cannot trust the Bible you own.

Remember, the devil told Eve the same lie in the Garden of Eden-“Did God really say”Genesis 3:1. That was the devil’s first attack. Satan’s lie is so old that it amazes me how it is still so effective today and amongst Christian nonetheless. It blows my mind. 

The worst part is, they think believing in that, they have some special understanding from those who hold to the inerrancy of Scripture. How deep their deception has to really be to actually believe it came from God. 

In the end times, Christians will be killed because of their testimony about their faith in Jesus Christ and His Word.

Revelation 6:9

“When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the people slaughtered because of God’s word and the testimony they had.”

Satan will kill believers in the future for believing in the Bible, what does that tell you, friends? He wants you to doubt it

Jude 1:13-Wandering Stars


13 wild waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the blackness of darkness has been reserved forever.

“wild waves of the sea” They are very destructive and unstable.

“wandering stars” Refers to a departure from the truth.

Literally speaking, there is a special place in hell made for false prophets whose plan is to make you abandon the Lord for their gain.