The Goal & Purpose Of Atheism

The world has broken off their chains from Christ and wants you to do the same. The good news is that our chain (faith in Jesus) is unbreakable

Psalm 2:1-3, 12

1 Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.”

12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

Atheism, Agnosticism, Cults, and Occults are united with one voice & mind in this saying, “we will not serve the Son of God.” For to be one of them is to unshackle oneself from God. The question then arises, how do you know that these groups mentioned are against the LORD and His Son? Atheism and the rest conspire and plot against the Lord by trying to convince those in the faith to leave Christianity and become like one of them. They want to lead us to destruction (hell).

Matthew 7:13

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

Satan is using them as one controls a puppet to do his will as stated in 2 Timothy 2:26 which says, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

These groups have websites that “help” people get out of Christianity by teaching them how to kill their conscience so they won’t feel bad about their decision and their sins.

We must stand strong for the faith once delivered to us, faith in Jesus Christ and the Gospel.

Mark 8:38

For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”


33 thoughts on “The Goal & Purpose Of Atheism

  1. “Atheism, Agnosticism, Cults, and Occults are united with one voice & mind in this saying, “we will not serve the Son of God.””

    As far as I can tell, this would apply to every religion outside of Christianity, including Judaism in which Christianity derived from.


  2. Hello David, thanks for your comment. Yes, you are correct in your statement. Every religion that denies Jesus as the Son of God is in opposition to the truth as the Bible reveals it. I wouldn’t say that Christianity derived from Judaism like what Mormons with Christianity or Islam but that Jesus was the fulfillment of the O.T. prophecies.

    Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Islam all claim to branch out from the Old and the New Testament with new revelations but there is no prophecy found in the whole Bible to support their claims. Jesus has hundreds.


  3. “I wouldn’t say that Christianity derived from Judaism”….
    You do realize that Jesus was a follower of Judaism, right? and you understand the Christian Old Testament is from the Hebrew Bible right?

    Sure, there are prophecies that match, and those that do not. When one knows the prophecies, it is quite easy to make the claim and there were many who believed Jesus was not divine. In fact, at the time of the “resurrection” there were countless stories of bodies disappearing from tombs in an effort to make many people appear divine.

    Instead of calling people of other beliefs and religions “Evil”, why not spend the time to educate yourself on world religions and the history behind them. It is very eye opening and no.. I’m not the devil. Just someone who’s tired of people bashing each other because they have a warped sense of religion.


  4. Okay, the sacrificial system was pointing to Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus kept the Law of God according to the Old Testament Law. Jesus kept the Law for us so that when we place our faith in Him, He credits us with His righteousness since no one is able to keep the Law of God. We will always fall short. The Law was to show that we were sinners and incapable of following the Law without breaking it. Jesus came to show us mercy and grace. Jesus was our sacrifice Lamb who took our sins upon Himself.

    There were 500 eyewitnesses that seen the risen Jesus. Plus, the Apostles wouldn’t have died for a lie. It is one thing that one gets convince of a lie and die for it but another thing that one knows that it is a lie because he made it up and then dies for it. No one will ever do such a thing and we know that all of the Apostles paid with their lives to follow Jesus. They rather have died then renounce Him.


  5. I agree with you, SpaniardVIII. While Atheists flat out believe that there is no God, the others are just as deadly to Christians because like you said; they are trying to turn Christians away from God, but we have to remain strong in God and fight against the influence behind it.

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  6. Maybe they thought it was true. When you learn the true history, you get to discover that there are no testimony from 500 witnesses and there are some who question whether than number was interpolation on the scribe.

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  7. Such as Judaism?

    No one is trying to turn you away from God… but you should get to know him better by learning the history of your own religion and it’s origins.


  8. I would have to disagree with you. You are full of assumptions with not a shred of evidence. While Jesus’ followers after they seen Him alive (His resurrection), they became bold through the power of the Holy Spirit. They were so bold that they died for their testimony after seeing the risen Lord.


  9. I read the Bible daily and it is very clear that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah. I agree that Jesus was under the Law of the old covenant or Mosaic Law. He was a Jew who followed the Torah. But your answer assumes that Jesus was just a regular person who followed the Law and started His own religion. To get the record straight, Jesus was and is God and He came to fulfill the Law and die in our place so that we don’t have to die in our sins. David, I invite today to believe in Jesus Christ as your only Savior that through faith in Him, you will receive forgiveness for all your sins.

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  10. Okay, show me your evidence. Do you have testimony from 500 witnesses? How about evidence that they died for their testimony and not because they were thought of as being heretical? Interpolation is also discussed by biblical scholars.


  11. First of all, no other Book in the world comes as close to as the originals as the Scriptures. The rest date as early as 1000 years. Scripture as early as 250 years from its original manuscripts.

    Polycarp who wrote a letter to the Philippians in 120-130 AD describes the martyrdom of some of the Apostles.

    In the Gospels, Jesus died and after His death, His followers also were killed just look at what history says about it. Even today, the most persecuted people are the Christians. Why? Because it is the truth and Satan hates it because it exposes Him.

    No other religion dies for their faith, Islam commits suicide but if you attack them they will kill you but with Christianity, we don’t commit suicide or kill anyone who tries to kill us. Even in Islam, it teaches that they can deny Allah to save their lives but with Christianity, we cannot deny Jesus Christ even if it costs’ our life.


  12. I’ve maintained all along, that if you are truly interested in Christianity, you should seek a historical approach to your religion. You make a claim that Jesus fulfilled “Old Testament” prophecies but do you know the prophecies he did not fulfill?

    Setting the record straight by saying “Jesus was and is God…” is only setting the record straight on what you believe, it is the Christian belief but there are many people who do not share that belief, not just atheists.

    Thanks for the invite but I find it much more enriching to learn about all world Religions, Worldviews and Philosophies. I invite you to research and discover the truth for yourself. There are many narratives surrounding Resurrections, people who performed some of the same miracles as Jesus, there’s a story to be told and you will be more the richer by seeing the bigger picture.


  13. Your comment-“You make a claim that Jesus fulfilled “Old Testament” prophecies but do you know the prophecies he did not fulfill?”

    You have to remember that the Scripture declares two comings for Jesus Christ. The prophecies describing His first coming were fulfilled and His second coming will fulfill those.

    Your comment-“Setting the record straight by saying “Jesus was and is God…” is only setting the record straight on what you believe, it is the Christian belief but there are many people who do not share that belief, not just atheists.”

    Jesus is God is what the Scripture which is the Truth reveals period. Those who don’t share what the Bible clearly says is because they are still dead in their sins. How can they believe? If a person claims to be a Christian and rejects that Jesus is God then that person is not a Christian.

    Your comment-“I invite you to research and discover the truth for yourself. There are many narratives surrounding Resurrections, people who performed some of the same miracles as Jesus, there’s a story to be told and you will be more the richer by seeing the bigger picture.”

    I did, the Jehovah Witnesses and Santeria (my family’s religion) and I have discovered that I have been enriched and complete in Jesus Christ alone through His Word. No other religion can give you what Jesus can, ETERNAL LIFE.


  14. When you say Scriptures are you talking about the Tanakh? or the New Testament? The Tanakh (OT) history is long before Christianity. The New Testament was not written until after the death of Jesus. I see no reason to debate this.

    Maybe I’m not looking at the correct Polycarp letter but I’m not showing any specific examples of Apostles or 500 people who witnessed the resurrection that were put to death because of their Testimony of said resurrection. I do understand that during that time, Christians were thought of as being heretical, and that was the reason for their persecution and death. Persecution and death was common for a long period of time, including the time of the American Colonies. During the Crusades, Christian’s didn’t seem to have an issue with persecuting and punishing people with death for their religious beliefs. Islam is the same. “but with Christianity, we don’t commit suicide or kill anyone who tries to kill us. “…. are you sure about that? If someone tried to kill you, you wouldn’t fight back?

    It appears true that Islam teaches they can deny Allah in the face of death “Allah, may He be glorified, states that whoever disbelieves after having believed is subject to the wrath of Allah and will have a severe punishment. However, in the case of one who is forced to speak words (of disbelief) that are contrary to what is in his heart of faith, in order to save himself from his enemy thereby, there is no blame on him, because Allah may He be glorified, will only bring people to account for what they intend in their hearts. ”

    What a nice gesture, huh? but let’s face it, If a Christian has a gun to their head while being asked if they believe in Jesus, knowing their answer will be certain death… How many Christians are going to say “yes”. That is certain suicide! Are you sure Jesus or God would not be okay with them answering No because in their heart they mean yes. What do you think? Should everyone answer Yes and die? Most people who want to live will use common sense.


  15. There would be no need to learn the history of Christianity and its origins because Jesus is the beginning. He came down to, as SpaniardVIII puts it, “Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies”

    We don’t need to know the history of our religion when the history of our religion is in the Bible.

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  16. lol, can I quote you on that?
    There is almost 2000 years of history since the writing of the Christian New Testament – not to mention the history behind Christianity/Judaism from it’s earliest times. Such great history tells the tale of your own religion and you don’t want to know it??

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  17. I’m sorry David but your comment is mind-boggling to the core. You can go back to 250 AD from the originals and find the same accurate account of scripture as we have it today. No other secular manuscript, Plato and so forth comes even close to as early as the New Testament manuscripts.


  18. David- “When you say Scriptures are you talking about the Tanakh? or the New Testament? The Tanakh (OT) history is long before Christianity. The New Testament was not written until after the death of Jesus. I see no reason to debate this.”

    Scripture means God-breathed which refers to both the Old and New. Remeber that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament ceremonial Law also includes the festivals and the Civil Law which was for the children of Israel during their wandering in the wilderness.
    Yes, it was written by the eyewitnesses, what’s your point. Come on man really…lol. Which otherworldly material even comes close, zero.

    David-“Maybe I’m not looking at the correct Polycarp letter but I’m not showing any specific examples of Apostles or 500 people who witnessed the resurrection that were put to death because of their Testimony of said resurrection.”

    Look for “Martyrdom of Polycarp”, Irenaeus and Tertullian who was a disciple of the Apostle John.

    David-“I do understand that during that time, Christians were thought of as being heretical, and that was the reason for their persecution and death. Persecution and death was common for a long period of time, including the time of the American Colonies. During the Crusades, Christian’s didn’t seem to have an issue with persecuting and punishing people with death for their religious beliefs.”

    Come on man are you serious? For 2000 years Christians have been murdered by the Catholic Church and Islam. The Catholic Church is far from being a Christian since they kill and murder people for their beliefs. Nowhere in the N.T. does Jesus approve of such acts. If a person claims to be a Christian then lives a life of contradicting what Jesus said, guess what? He is not a follower of Jesus Christ. The Crusades were not Christians, Just because they claim that name doesn’t mean they are one. A Christian is a person that lives according to teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Holy Scriptures.

    David”Islam is the same.”

    Man, that statement is pure ignorance. To compare what the N.T. says to the Qur’an tells me how much you know.

    David-““but with Christianity, we don’t commit suicide or kill anyone who tries to kill us. “…. are you sure about that? If someone tried to kill you, you wouldn’t fight back?”

    I won’t kill the guy. Go and ask the same question to a real Muslim and see what he will tell you. He will kill him, cut off his head and then put it on a pole so you will think twice for another person to try that again. You don’t have have to attack a Muslim just go to Saudi Arabia and have a Bible. They will kill you. Go to a Muslim country and preach about Jesus, you won’t live to tell about it.

    David-“What a nice gesture, huh? but let’s face it If a Christian has a gun to their head while being asked if they believe in Jesus, knowing their answer will be certain death… How many Christians are going to say “yes”.”

    Only the real ones will say yes. That’s what you need to understand David that not anybody can say they are a Christian and turn around and live in opposition to what the Bible clearly says. You know why a real Christian wouldn’t deny Jesus in the face of death? Because life doesn’t end at death for a Christian if we physically die we will be in the presence of the Lord with eternal life. A Muslim is afraid to die because they are really not saved, that’s why they can lie.

    David-“What do you think? Should everyone answer Yes and die? Most people who want to live will use common sense.”

    I’m going to answer it with a verse

    Mark 8:35
    For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me and the gospel will save it.


  19. My other response is going to be my last response. You have given me no evidence that there were 500 witnesses of the resurrection. You don’t even acknowledge the fact that there are many “Empty Tomb” narratives even before Jesus. You claim anyone who doesn’t get shot in the head to martyr for their religion as not true “Christians”… You have a very warped sense of what Christianity truly is. I just can’t debate this any more.

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  20. The Bible or the New Testament of itself is an accurate historical document and the Word of God which speaks of the things that took place and records God’s very Word. Once again I say that there is no other document that comes close to its accuracy and to its original as the Scripture does. If you throw the Bible out as not being reliable, you have no leg to stand on by ever quoting other historical documents that go back to its original like 1000 years. You just like to pick and choose.

    These very words of yours “You have a very warped sense of what Christianity truly is.”

    Testifies how true Scripture is because it talks about you….read below

    1 Corinthians 1:18-20
    18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it is God’s power to us who are being saved. 19 For it is written:
    I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
    and I will set aside the understanding of the experts.
    20 Where is the philosopher? Where is the scholar? Where is the debater of this age? Hasn’t God made the world’s wisdom foolish?

    That is what the Word of God says about what you are saying David, foolishness. You are completely bankrupt of any truth. Your wisdom is foolishness.


  21. You’re so right – my life is so full of sin I wouldn’t want to give it up. Er… no wait a minute, it isn’t. It’s just an ordinary life.

    Sin is a religious concept with no relevance outside the Christian bubble and I reject religion for the reason I stated, not the one you arrogantly imposed on me: because it makes no sense. It is a combination of wishful thinking and ignorance.

    Show me that the fantasy figures of Christianity – Christ, god, angels, demons, the devil, heaven and hell – have an existence independent of the human imagination and I’ll certainly think about dropping all the sin you seem to think I enjoy.

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  22. Now we are getting to the core of why you are trying to convince yourself that God doesn’t exist because there will be consequences for your actions here on earth that you will have to answer for.

    God gave everyone a conscience, knowing the difference between good and evil. If there was no God there wouldn’t be any morality. Everyone will do what seems right to them.

    An example of this is what happened to the Jews with the Nazis. In Hitler’s mind, he was doing what was right in his world by wiping out a race. Since you don’t believe in morals according to the Bible than you cannot say that what Hilter did was wrong. That is the type of world that you atheists what to live in.

    If a religious group kills or murder in the name of there god it means that they are following Satan. You will not find one verse in the N.T. that teaches to murder people for any reason.

    We got our morality from the Bible.


  23. So you haven’t any evidence that all your fantasy figures exist independently of the human imagination. I thought not.

    Morality does not come from the bible otherwise you’d be able to own slaves, kill members of tribes other than your own (come to think of it that’s exactly what nation states do, including those who claim their morailty comes from the bible) and put people to death for all sorts of trivial transgressions.

    If you actually mean New Testament morality, then you’d sell all you have to help the poor, give to anyone who asked and show sacrificial love for your enemies. This is the morality Jesus insists on; I wager you don’t have it.

    My friend, you are sadly deluded both about the existence of supernatural beings and the nature of biblical morality.

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  24. “So you haven’t any evidence that all your fantasy figures exist independently of the human imagination. I thought not.”

    I think it is the other way around. You have no evidence that a tadpole developed into a monkey and then turned into a person. You have absolutely no evidence because you are still searching for your theoretical missing link. To say that complexity came from nothing is to say “stupid is a genius.”

    “Morality does not come from the bible otherwise you’d be able to own slaves, kill members of tribes other than your own (come to think of it that’s exactly what nation states do, including those who claim their morailty comes from the bible) and put people to death for all sorts of trivial transgressions.”

    Oh boy, it’s like a mechanic trying to show a surgeon how to operate. You are dead in your sins and are devoid of the Holy Spirit. Do you actually believe that you can understand the Bible? Slaves were regulated by God because people would lose everything they had and become poor. To survive they had to sell themselves to persons so that they can eat and have a roof over their heads. God made rules to make sure that the slaves would be treated humanely and be provided with what they needed.

    “If you actually mean New Testament morality, then you’d sell all you have to help the poor, give to anyone who asked and show sacrificial love for your enemies. This is the morality Jesus insists on; I wager you don’t have it.”

    Again, this lack of understanding the Scriptures will make you look ridiculous because of your assumptions. Your interpretations have nothing to do with what the Bible actually says.

    Jesus was directing His comment “sell everything you have and give it to the poor” to the young man only, that was not a general term or command. The reason Jesus told him that was because he made his wealth his god, meaning he wanted to live in the world with all its pleasures (sins) and serve God at the same time. You cannot live for money and God, you have to choose, like what you did. You chose Satan rather than God.

    Next time you quote Scripture to me with its interpretation at least find out what it really means through someone else that knows the Word of God. Your interpretations are the worst that I have read.


  25. I have no evidence that tadpoles became monkeys – because they didn’t. Tadpoles become frogs. You are ignorant of what evolution, for which there is an abundance of evidence, says. There is no evidence, however, that your fantasy figures exist independently of the human imagination. If there was, you’d have presented it here as suggest. Of course you can’t, because there isn’t any.

    So the demands Jesus makes of you are mere misinterpretations of mine, are they? What a cop-out. Why do you call him ‘Lord, Lord and not do what (he) tells you’?

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  26. Before monkeys and humans in your lies there were first tadpoles correct. First tadpoles, frogs, eventually monkeys then humans. And you have evidence of this lie by how? Do you have a fossil in the middle of its transformation into a completely different species? I think not, why? Because evolution that teaches that humans came from monkeys is one of the most dumbest lie that a person can believe.

    Again, the passage is not a reference for everyone but only for the young man.

    If you say that God doesn’t exist why dedicate your life to fight against Jesus? I will give you my answer.

    Because your soul knows that He does exist and you will be punished for all the bad things you have done to people. From bad thoughts to bad mouth to physically doing something bad and you are desperately trying to prove that God doesn’t exist so you would feel better to continue in your sins by convincing yourself that there will not be a judgment.


  27. You demonstrate your ignorance when you depict evolution the way you do. As I’ve already told you, we are not made from tadpoles. Each one of us is, however, made from a single cell (egg+sperm), so why is it so difficult for you to believe life evolved from single-celled creatures? But wait – you don’t have to ‘believe’; you could look at the evidence (here, for example: though something tells me you won’t; you are too wrapped up in your delusional fantasy.

    I’m not trying to disprove God, I’m asking you to prove he’s real. So how about that evidence he – and Christ and all those other supernatural characters you believe in – really do exist independent of the human imagination. I keep asking you for it but so far you’ve failed to provide it.


  28. I looked at the website and it has no evidence of a transformation that has been found that’s changing from one species to another.

    Creation proves that God exists’ and we know today that space or the universe is growing or expanding outwards so if you go back in time or press rewind, you will go to its beginning or starting point. For space to begin it needs for a person or being to start it.

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  29. You asked the question: “…why is it so difficult for you to believe life evolved from single-celled creatures? ”

    You would then have to ask yourself the question: Who created the cell? because if you believe that life evolved from single-celled creatures then you would need to provide evidence that life evolved from those creatures.

    On the other hand, the Bible states in Genesis 1:21, “21. So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with the waters abounded, ACCORDING TO THEIR KIND…”
    The phrase “ACCORDING TO THEIR KIND” references the capability to reproduce themselves.

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Any thoughts?