For Christians Who Don’t Want To Vote

The statue was heated which made its hands really hot so as to fry the baby on it.

We have a candidate like Biden, who supports the sacrifice of the unborn children to Molech (abortion). He wants to turn America into Sodom and Gomorrah (LGBT), happy to let Muslims into this country to bring havoc like what happened to Europe, in which women get raped and men who are native citizens beaten for reasons none other than pure hatred.

If a “Christian” supports abortion, the murder of children, I can say that the Holy Spirit does not dwell inside that person. There is no way. Either a person is born-again, having God’s love in his heart, or darkness fills their hearts. A true Christian cannot have both.

American under the administration of Biden

We have a President who is not perfect, speaks his mind, and seems arrogant, but happens to oppose the sacrificial system to Molech [abortion]. He is against the detestable practices of Sodom and Gomorrah [LGBT] and wants to protect Americans from Muslims Extremists [true Muslims] like what’s happening in Europe.

  • Trump is a President who is pro-Israel, pro-Christianity, pro-life, pro-America [blacks and whites], anti-socialist, and pro-Freedom.
  • Biden, on the other hand, is anti-Israel, anti-Christianity, anti-life [pro-abortion], anti-America, pro-socialist, and anti-Freedom. This is a picture of antichrist.

Remember, we are not voting for a Christian leader and his personality, but for the person’s policies that sticks closer to the Bible.

We only have two candidates to vote for, and deciding not to vote will help bring into the White House evil. The Molech, LGBT, hater of the truth, Islamic ideology sympathizer, the spirit of Jezebel of deception [Biden administration] comes to power God will hold you [Christians] responsible for not trying to stop such evil.

Trump is not a Christian but compared to Biden, he’s a saint.

A Christian who does not want to vote because Trump has flaws in his behavior needs to rethink their decision because we all struggle with sin. Imagine if your imperfections and dirty laundry was caught on camera, aired on a national scale. Instead of trying to oppose what’s evil who wants to destroy America and stifle the truth, you choose to stay out of the fight. That sounds like the one that Scripture warns about in the Book of James 4:17, which says,“Anyone, then, who knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.” BSB

This post has been updated to fit the current election of today.

6 thoughts on “For Christians Who Don’t Want To Vote

  1. This is begging for it truly, but then again, most people like to stay of out petty politics and we all end up reaping the consequences.

    People with grown children do not have to deal with the gender fluidity agenda this sick administration is shoving into all educational institutions, no regard for the future. While it is a good thing to be mindful of the things above, it does not excuse anyone from not being concerned about the future of the next generation.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. For me, I agree with Caeli. This is begging for it, but for me, it’s not that I don’t care about politics; for me, the first things that grabs someone is their character and neither of them have what I’m looking for. This election in particular is one that I just want to stay clear of, but know that I can’t. Does that make sense?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello Joshua,

    Remember, we are not voting for a pastor or a Christian for that matter. We are voting for policies that are pro-God. If you don’t vote, it is like voting for the other side because your vote could have helped to keep the party that clearly is anti-God from coming to power, which will affect our religious freedom. Democrats want to close the churches, while Trump deems the churches essential for people’s lives. A Christian’s duty is to vote for the person that leans more on biblical principles, not on personality. I appreciate your comment.


Any thoughts?